So Glad To Be Woke
Woke up a few minutes ago from a terrible nightmare. I somehow learn of a horrendous weather event that had struck -- obliterated, really -- the entire southeast quadrant of the United States. The dream switched and I was there, looking upon an incalculable distance out to the horizon of smooth unbroken snow, hundreds of feet deep, and I know it is many miles wide and entire cities are buried far beneath it. A radio announcer (from somewhere) is telling of 500,000 mile an hour winds, and how there are no means of rescue of any kind or means of restoring -- well, anything.
I can't describe how that vista looked -- everything bluish gray and cold and dead and merciless . . . I'm twitching just trying to describe it to you.
There was more, but that was the worst part. After some business involving a back-gunshot cop, I'm in a house right on the border of this humongous snowfall. Some badguy is threatening to do somewhat awful; I throw his shoes out the door into the big snow to stop him from doing this. He turns on me and drags me out to the very edge of the snow and snarls what makes me think he won't throw me out there. I am filled with terror and despair.
Then I awakened.
I'm so glad to be woke up.
I dreamed I was at a Christmas party and Patrick Stewart was chewing me out because the outfit I had bought for his baby son was an inch too long. I was offended and left the party with MFR.
@Catseye3 said in So Glad To Be Woke:
@Mik And he didn't say, "Make it sew"?
I don’t see anybody beating that post this week…