Four Women?
At first glance, the image shows a woman with gorgeous thick hair and a pretty flowing dress smiling as she talks on the phone.
Most people are likely to see this woman first, but there are in fact, another three ladies lingering in the photo too.
I saw two others pretty quickly but do not see a third. I will have to look more closely.
I saw two others pretty quickly but do not see a third. I will have to look more closely.
@taiwan_girl Haha I see all four.
@George-K I saw that one and figured it was one of the four. LOL
I just found the forth one!!
More accurately, I’d say I can see four faces rather than four women. I can only see two women (two almost whole bodies, the smaller of which is rather contrived), the rest are parts of faces (a half face and a 45° view from the back of a head showing a quarter 9pm the face).