Mark Bait
A friend of mine has been helping take care of his neighbor. The neighbor is undergoing chemo for cancer, but I'm not sure what kind. The old man was a good friend, so my friend drops in as he can or the man's wife will occasionally call my friend to help the old man into the shower or help put him to bed.
The other day, the old man called my friend and asked him to come over. When he did, the old man gave him a guitar. He only had one child (a girl) and she didn't play. He thought my friend would enjoy it and a guitar deserves to be played.
That's the backstory...Now, the guitar...
I looked at it. It's a Guild hollow-body, arch top. The back is maple with a nice amount of figure. The top is probably maple, but I'm not sure. The neck is maple and the squares on the fret board are mother-of-pearl and have abalone inlays in the bars. All hardware is gold, including the tremelo bar. The thing weighs a ton.
The guitar looks brand new, but you can tell the case is a bit older.
The old man doesn't remember exactly what year he bought the guitar, but it's at least 20 years old, maybe a bit more.
What kind of guitar is this and is it something good or just eye candy?
I'm not within 30 miles at the moment, so next time I talk to my buddy, I'll ask about the tag. She's a Guild, not a Gretsch. It looks a lot like this, but nicer:
The difference from the picture, is the fretboard. The neck is maple and the inlay on the fretboard looks like what this 12-string has:
Interesting! Do you have any photos? There should be a model # on the label inside the body.
Without that information all I can do is guess. Gretsch guitars run the gamut from cheapy cheap <$500 to $thousands.
Thank you, gentleman.
My friend plays country and writes a little country-gospel. He's got a couple of acoustics and a Telecaster. I assume this is a jazz guitar? Or can it play the type of music he likes to play?
He hasn't even hooked it up to an amp yet...
Went to George's funeral yesterday. (The guy who gave my buddy the Guild.) The wife played the music for the funeral, except for one song.
They used a recording of Mr. George, where he sang on a country gospel song he had written. He also did all the instruments - the lead guitar was the Guild, along with mandolin and acoustic rhythm guitar. I'd never heard the man sing or play...God Bless him, he had talent.
Went to George's funeral yesterday. (The guy who gave my buddy the Guild.) The wife played the music for the funeral, except for one song.
They used a recording of Mr. George, where he sang on a country gospel song he had written. He also did all the instruments - the lead guitar was the Guild, along with mandolin and acoustic rhythm guitar. I'd never heard the man sing or play...God Bless him, he had talent.
Went to George's funeral yesterday. (The guy who gave my buddy the Guild.) The wife played the music for the funeral, except for one song.
They used a recording of Mr. George, where he sang on a country gospel song he had written. He also did all the instruments - the lead guitar was the Guild, along with mandolin and acoustic rhythm guitar. I'd never heard the man sing or play...God Bless him, he had talent.