Shapiro: Why I Quit Georgetown
Two guys meet at a party.
GUY #1: So where do you work?
GUY #2: The Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity and Affirmative Action.
GUY #1: The what now?
GUY #2: IDEAA for short.
GUY #1: What the fuck is that?
GUY #2: It's Georgetown U's office that monitors for objectively offensive comments and to prevent the recurrence of offensive conduct based on race, gender, and sex.
GUY #1: [Long pause.] So you what, fire people for saying shit that might offend a black person or an Indian person or a woman person?
GUY #2: Not always.
GUY #1: What if a black woman says something offensive?
GUY #2: [Chuckling] Don't be silly.
GUY #1: But a guy could get fired if he, say, complimented a lady on her new hairstyle?
GUY #2: Oh, hell yes. [Mean little smile] We do that all the time.
GUY #1: [Staring speechlessly.]
GUY #2: You should see what we did to this one unwoke loser for criticizing Biden on his remarks involving race and sex. Yep, we fixed that reactionary deviant's little red wagon for him, you betcha. He's packing his bags!
GUY #1: And this all happens at a university???
GUY #2: Certainly. We have a responsibility to shape the youth of tomorrow, to send them forth to stamp out all offensive conduct based on race, gender, and sex in the land!
GUY #1: [Still staring.] Jesus Christ.
GUY #2: Or anything else we don't like. It's a responsibility we take very seriously. We are ever vigilant to ferret out the deplorables who would defile us with their despicable dead-and-gone attachments to what they call free speech. It's a new day, brother!
GUY #1: Well, aren't you a prime asshole. [Walks away.]
Two guys meet at a party.
GUY #1: So where do you work?
GUY #2: The Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity and Affirmative Action.
GUY #1: The what now?
GUY #2: IDEAA for short.
GUY #1: What the fuck is that?
GUY #2: It's Georgetown U's office that monitors for objectively offensive comments and to prevent the recurrence of offensive conduct based on race, gender, and sex.
GUY #1: [Long pause.] So you what, fire people for saying shit that might offend a black person or an Indian person or a woman person?
GUY #2: Not always.
GUY #1: What if a black woman says something offensive?
GUY #2: [Chuckling] Don't be silly.
GUY #1: But a guy could get fired if he, say, complimented a lady on her new hairstyle?
GUY #2: Oh, hell yes. [Mean little smile] We do that all the time.
GUY #1: [Staring speechlessly.]
GUY #2: You should see what we did to this one unwoke loser for criticizing Biden on his remarks involving race and sex. Yep, we fixed that reactionary deviant's little red wagon for him, you betcha. He's packing his bags!
GUY #1: And this all happens at a university???
GUY #2: Certainly. We have a responsibility to shape the youth of tomorrow, to send them forth to stamp out all offensive conduct based on race, gender, and sex in the land!
GUY #1: [Still staring.] Jesus Christ.
GUY #2: Or anything else we don't like. It's a responsibility we take very seriously. We are ever vigilant to ferret out the deplorables who would defile us with their despicable dead-and-gone attachments to what they call free speech. It's a new day, brother!
GUY #1: Well, aren't you a prime asshole. [Walks away.]
@Catseye3 said in Shapiro: Why I Quit Georgetown:
Two guys meet at a party.
GUY #1: So where do you work?
GUY #2: The Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity and Affirmative Action.
GUY #1: The what now?
GUY #2: IDEAA for short.
GUY #1: What the fuck is that?
GUY #2: It's Georgetown U's office that monitors for objectively offensive comments and to prevent the recurrence of offensive conduct based on race, gender, and sex.
GUY #1: [Long pause.] So you what, fire people for saying shit that might offend a black person or an Indian person or a woman person?
GUY #2: Not always.
GUY #1: What if a black woman says something offensive?
GUY #2: [Chuckling] Don't be silly.
GUY #1: But a guy could get fired if he, say, complimented a lady on her new hairstyle?
GUY #2: Oh, hell yes. [Mean little smile] We do that all the time.
GUY #1: [Staring speechlessly.]
GUY #2: You should see what we did to this one unwoke loser for criticizing Biden on his remarks involving race and sex. Yep, we fixed that reactionary deviant's little red wagon for him, you betcha. He's packing his bags!
GUY #1: And this all happens at a university???
GUY #2: Certainly. We have a responsibility to shape the youth of tomorrow, to send them forth to stamp out all offensive conduct based on race, gender, and sex in the land!
GUY #1: [Still staring.] Jesus Christ.
GUY #2: Or anything else we don't like. It's a responsibility we take very seriously. We are ever vigilant to ferret out the deplorables who would defile us with their despicable dead-and-gone attachments to what they call free speech. It's a new day, brother!
GUY #1: Well, aren't you a prime asshole. [Walks away.]
Sounds about right. I assume guy 1 was a Project Veritas operative, which is how you got this transcript.
Shapiro did the right thing. Specifically, waiting for the reinstatement before resigning.
@jon-nyc have you read what Ken WHite's followers are saying?
"A win for Georgetown...."
"I remember when my 3yo got what he wanted, but what he really wanted was to throw a tantrum, so he threw it on the kitchen floor."
"As an alum I was embarrassed with their decision, but at least this sorry episode will end with students not being subjected to him."
I will admit I cringed when I saw his tweet.
I understood and agreed with his point but he sure phrased it cringily. (Because I said it’s a word)
@jon-nyc said in Shapiro: Why I Quit Georgetown:
I will admit I cringed when I saw his tweet.
I understood and agreed with his point but he sure phrased it cringily. (Because I said it’s a word)
Maybe he's on the spectrum, and doesn't absorb cultural norms as readily as others. It's time to start playing that intersectionality card.
Ann Althouse comments:
The New York Times story "A Conservative Quits Georgetown’s Law School Amid Free Speech Fight/Ilya Shapiro, who tweeted that a 'lesser Black woman' would get a Supreme Court nod, was cleared by a school investigation. He decided to leave anyway":
[She] tweeted about a “chorus of entitled white men justifying a serial rapist’s arrogated entitlement” during the confirmation of Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh. “Bonus: we castrate their corpses and feed them to swine? Yes,” she continued.
Professor Fair said on Monday that at the time she made the tweet, she was already a target of death and rape threats, and her posts had become “performative.” The fallout, including threats to “elderly ladies working in the dining hall, students in the library,” had been so bad for the community that she had taken a research leave to go to Afghanistan, where she felt safer.Professor Fair said she was one of only a few Georgetown faculty members who signed a petition supporting Mr. Shapiro after the ruckus about his posts. And she said that without knowing him, she did not think his tweet was racist, given that “he actually put forward a person of color.” But student complaints are “the death knell,” she said.
By the way, the New York Times elided part of what Fair tweeted. The full text, quoted in Shapiro's Wall Street Journal column, is: "Look at this chorus of entitled white men justifying a serial rapist’s arrogated entitlement. All of them deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps. Bonus: we castrate their corpses and feed them to swine? Yes."
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