Packing List
Pair large brass money scales with two setts of weights.
I initially read that as 'brass monkey scales' - which would have been more appropriate to Canadian explorers
If anyone hasn't read "Undaunted Courage," seek it out. It's a must.
Indian Presents
5 lbs. White Wampum
5 lbs. White Glass Beads mostly small
20 lbs. Red Do. Do. Assorted
5 lbs. Yellow or Orange Do. Do. Assorted
30 Calico Shirts
12 Pieces of East India muslin Hanckerchiefs striped or check'd with brilliant Colours.
12 Red Silk Hanckerchiefs
144 Small cheap looking Glasses
100 Burning Glasses
4 Vials of Phosforus
288 Steels for striking fire
144 Small cheap Scizors
20 Pair large Do.
12 Groces Needles Assorted No. 1 to 8 Common points
12 Groces Do. Assorted with points for sewing leather
288 Common brass thimbles - part W. office
10 lbs. Sewing Thread assorted
24 Hanks Sewing Silk
8 lbs. Red Lead
2 lbs. Vermillion - at War Office
288 Knives Small such as are generally used for the Indian trade, with fix'd blades & handles inlaid with brass
36 Large knives
36 Pipe Tomahawks - at H. Ferry
12 lbs. Brass wire Assorted
12 lbs. Iron do. Do. generally large
6 Belts of narrow Ribbons colours assorted
50 lbs. Spun Tobacco.
20 Small falling axes to be obtained in Tennessee
40 fish Griggs such as the Indians use with a single barbed point - at Harper's ferry
3 Groce fishing Hooks assorted
3 Groce Mockerson awls assorted
50 lbs. Powder secured in a Keg covered with oil Cloth
24 Belts of Worsted feiret or Gartering Colours brilliant and Assorted
15 Sheets of Copper Cut into strips of an inch in width & a foot long
20 Sheets of Tin
12 lbs. Strips of Sheet iron 1 In. wide 1 foot long
1 Pc. Red Cloth second quality
1 Nest of 8 or 9 small copper kettles
100 Block-tin rings cheap kind ornamented with Colour'd Glass or Mock-Stone
2 Groces of brass Curtain Rings & sufficently large for the Finger
1 Groce Cast Iron Combs
18 Cheap brass Combs
24 Blankets.
12 Arm Bands Silver at War Office
12 Wrist do. do. Do.
36 Ear Trinkets Do. Part do.
6 Groces Drops of Do. Part Do.
4 doz Rings for Fingers of do.
4 Groces Broaches of do.
12 Small Medals do. -
Very cool piece of history