The Ukraine war thread
@Renauda said in The Ukraine war thread:
Because it kicks right Putin right where it hurts and he knows he can do sweet fuck all about it.
It’s Uncle Sam’s way of saying “I’m pissing on your parade and watching you cry while I do it cause the time’s a comin’ that I’m gonna kick your ass”.
I totally understand your point, and, to an extent, I agree.
I agree that it says what it says you say. (I could have phrased that a lot better, LOL.)
But, do you really think that he really cares about this? I don't. This is propaganda fodder for him.
"Look! The Americans ADMIT that they're interfering with our 'special military operation.'" The Putin lovers will slurp this down like a bottle of (cheap, to be sure) Russian vodka. It feeds the narrative that he's trying to promote, and, IMO, is very unhelpful to the overall cause.
Better to let it happen, keep it quiet (as much as you can) and let him assert whatever the fuck he wants. This just gives him credibility to his people.
I think that President Putin would use the US "interference" as propaganda no matter what, whether it was in the paper or not.
I think that the average Russian he is trying to sell the propaganda pretty sure does not read the New York Times, or other US newspapers.
He is going to say what he is going to say. "The US is behind this, etc etc" Appearing in a US paper that has very limited reach in Russia.....
The people educated enough to access and read the US papers probably have a knowledge already of the situation.
G George K referenced this topic on
@Klaus said in The Ukraine war thread:
Who or what is RSOTM?
"Reverse Side Of The Medal."
It's the face of the Wagner group.
With a number of credible reports of foreign fighters engaged in the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh on behalf of Azerbaijan, a number of journalists and analysts have looked to one of the world’s most infamous private mercenary companies (PMC), Russia’s Wagner PMC, as a potential actor in the conflict. However, there has not been any firm evidence showing their arrival or involvement in the war which has rocked the South Caucasus since late September. In the search for potential evidence of Wagner’s involvement into the conflict, many have looked to Reverse Side of the Medal (RSOTM), one of the most public channels of communication used by fighters from Russia’s private military companies fighters, especially Wagner and those close to them.
This group operates a Telegram channel, along with pages on Instagram, YouTube, and VKontakte (VK). The group’s most prominent administrator is Maksim Fomin, writing under the pseudonym “Vladlen Tatarsky” (taken from a novel by popular Russian writer Viktor Pelevin). Fomin previously fought in the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine for the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR). Over the past week, this channel has shared a number of photographs alluding to the arrival of Russian mercenaries — with the Wagner group being the obvious candidate — to Nagorno-Karabakh to assist Armenian forces in their ongoing conflict with Azerbaijan.
On a lighter note:
Putin dies and goes to hell. However, since he’s used to doing deals with devils, he manages to get a day off from torment and goes home to Moscow to enjoy Vodka and see how Russia is doing in his absence.
The streets are clean, the shops are open, and people look well and relatively happy (for Russians). At the bar, he orders 3 Vodkas and sips them slowly, watching all the people nattering about sports and boasting about business, like the KGB spy he always was.
Satisfied, Putin turns to the bartender and asks “how much for the drinks?”
The bartender swiftly pulls out the cashless pay-terminal and tells him: “Five Euros”.
After the war, I'd certainly like Ukraine to reconstitute some of its navy, particularly submarines.. Germany builds a nice, stealthy boat...
After the war, I'd certainly like Ukraine to reconstitute some of its navy, particularly submarines.. Germany builds a nice, stealthy boat...
@Jolly said in The Ukraine war thread:
Germany builds a nice, stealthy boat...
So do we.
On Thursday I played golf with a guy who puts the stealth goop coating on the Virginia-class boats that they build just down the street from here.
These boats are not easy to find.
A cast of thousands...
I was going to ask 'so, who's going to find negative stuff to post about her qualifications?', but I thought it was overly snarky.