Popular Mechanics on the Afghan arsenal we left
Much harder to actually tally up what was left.
Some think it too hard...
@axtremus said in Popular Mechanics on the Afghan arsenal we left:
Popular Mechanics' analysis
Well, PM says that 22K Humvees were left behind. Then they editorialize saying that they're not effective offensive weapons. They don't dispute that they were left behind. We paid for them, and now, we don't have them. That should be pretty simple to understand.
Small arms: about half a million. They editorialize, again, talking about how useless they WILL become when the ammo runs out. That's not to say they're useless now. We paid for them, and now, we don't have them.
The aircraft. Editorializing again: "The lack of maintenance and the pilots to fly them will likely ground the Afghan Air Force within a matter of weeks." Remind me how long it took the Talibs to overrun the country. We paid for them, and now, we don't have them.
I'll not dispute PM's analysis of how much the equipment is worth, or the value of intelligence left behind. Even if the dollars are off by a factor of 4, that's a lot of money we just pissed away.
And a lot of weapons left in the Taliban's hands. These weapons give them a tremendous advantage over any competitors in the country. And I suspect they will find no end of nations willing to supply the correct ammo.
At the time this came out I stated that much of the aircraft will be unusable after a time. That being so, it's still a bad thing.
Biden cut off all Russian ammo. I'm sure Tula and the other companies loading 5.56 will be happy to sell ammo to the Taliban.
Besides, ain't no telling what the Chinese are going to give them for Bagram. I'm sure NORINCO can throw a few million rounds in the pot as sweetner...
@axtremus said in Popular Mechanics on the Afghan arsenal we left:
Much easier to run with a tweet than to read through what Popular Mechanics' analysis. No Biden critic will bother to correct their tweets even if they read through Popular Mechanics' analysis, and I suspect most of them won't even bother to read it in the first place.
Hi tech equipment, some containing secret technology, is now as we speak being inventoried and analyzed by both Russia and China. That should scare the shit out of everyone - even a democrat psycho like you. And before you go trying to defend that senile idiot you call a president, deal with the fact that a large number of these sensitive pieces of equipment weren't even IN Afghanistan, but Biden and his state department INTENTIONALLY moved them into Afghanistan for the specific purpose of giving it to the Taliban as a "negotiating tool".
You can try to spin this any way you want Ax, but you can't get around the fact that Biden is a disaster, the entire democrat party is a disaster, and our nation is in grave danger because of it.
And more ominous stuff... bear in mind this is MSNBC.
Aircraft worth $923.3 million remained in Afghanistan. The US left 78 aircraft procured for the government of Afghanistan at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul before the end of the withdrawal. These aircraft were demilitarized and rendered inoperable before the US military left, the report states. The US military conducted its non-combatant evacuation from Afghanistan in August, primarily through that airport.
A total of 9,524 air-to-ground munitions, valued at $6.54 million, remained in Afghanistan at the conclusion of the US military withdrawal. The "significant majority" of the "remaining aircraft munitions stock are non-precision munitions," the report states.
Over 40,000 of the total 96,000 military vehicles the US gave to Afghan forces remained in Afghanistan at the time of the US withdrawal, including 12,000 military Humvees, the report states. "The operational condition of the remaining vehicles" in Afghanistan is "unknown," the report states.
More than 300,000 of the total 427,300 weapons the US gave to Afghan forces remained in Afghanistan at the time of the US military withdrawal, according to the report. Less than 1,537,000 of the "specialty munitions" and "common small arms ammunition," valued at a total of $48 million, are still in the country, the report states.
"Nearly all" of the communications equipment that the US gave to Afghan forces, including base-station, mobile, man-portable and hand-held commercial and military radio systems, and associated transmitters and encryption devices also remained in Afghanistan at the time of the withdrawal, the report states.
"Nearly all" night vision, surveillance, "biometric and positioning equipment" totaling nearly 42,000 pieces of specialized equipment remained in the country, the report adds.
And "nearly all," of the explosive ordinance disposal and demining equipment, including 17,500 "pieces of explosive detection, electronic countermeasure, disposal and personal protective equipment" also remained in Afghanistan, according to the report.