CDS N00b
Through the organization I run, I applied for CDS (Congressionally Directed Spending) for the very first time. No, it's not for me personally. It's for curriculum to start municipal water and wastewater operator training at a regional community college to serve all of southern Minnesoooooooooooooooota. (It takes extra o's for the entire southern area of the state.)
It's not a big funding request compared to the mega buck CDS applications, it's right on target with the categories for this application period, and I made a darn good case for it in the application, because I've been making the case for this for quite some time to get this far.
Now we wait.
Oh, I sent an email to the community college president, my buddy from another board, to let him know I had applied for it. I mean, hey, I listed him as a supporter, which he is, but it might be nice to give him a heads up before he gets a call from the Senator's staff, right?
I even included talking points for him, and suggested printing them to have near the phone. I know how this kind of thing goes. You don't think you'll need them, until you find out you do. He actually printed them to have handy! And THAT is how you get to be the president of the college. You listen to brenda.
Cool. Or cooooooool. Probably don't want that particular school to be named after you though, huh? You just give them my name. The Horace Institute for the Study and Distribution of Shit.
Oh, the school has a name, but the new programs do not. Your point is well taken that these programs will need fun names. LOL
Keep in mind one is for water, and the other for wastewater. Need two names, please!
Good job Brenda!! Hope you get the grant!!!
Cool. Or cooooooool. Probably don't want that particular school to be named after you though, huh? You just give them my name. The Horace Institute for the Study and Distribution of Shit.
Oh, the school has a name, but the new programs do not. Your point is well taken that these programs will need fun names. LOL
Keep in mind one is for water, and the other for wastewater. Need two names, please!
Very Cool! We had created a fictional Gray Water Recycling Program in the old days of the forum called IGAC (I Give A Crap). Heck, I think we were still on Piano World in those days…