Evil SUVs
This was on my street this morning. Coincidence? No leaflets, but hey, are criminals really going to print out leaflets when there is some low hanging SUV tire to puncture? No other cars, SUV or otherwise, had flats along my walk. If you can't see clearly, both these vehicles had flats. Left front on the white one, left rear on the black one. Maybe like someone saw two adjacent SUVs and jumped out of a car and punctured the two closest tires. Oh man, I'm a conspiracy theorist.
Seen on my photo twitter an hour ago. Guy went out to get to work and found this.
Administered on the spot.
"Activists" deflate tyres on SUV's in Edinburgh
No, they didn't mis-spell 'tires'. They did mis-spell assholes, however.
According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the growth of the world’s SUV fleet caused an uptick of 0.55 gigatons of CO2 over one decade, to 544 million tons of CO2, making SUVs “the second-largest contributor to the increase in global CO2 emissions since 2010 after the power sector.
China’s emissions output growth was double that over the same period.
The growth of the SUV market is due in some part to the elimination of the larger family sedan market. I am unapologetic. I will get a 6 or 8 cylinder. Too many blown 4 bangers on the side of the road for me to ever trust them entirely. Unfortunately, you can’t find a 6 cylinder sedan anymore. Ford’s even killed their popular Taurus line…So we figured we would get a smaller 6 cylinder SUV like a Subaru Outback except those don’t exist anymore…So we wound up with a huge Honda Pilot. If Ford still built the Taurus, that’s what we would have likely bought…
As they are now killing the 6 cylinder SUV’s, my next vehicle will likely be a truck.