A Great Idea, Let Ruin
I thought Jim Baen was a pretty smart guy. He created the free library at Baen and populated it with early one-off works by Baen authors or the first few books of a series by one of his best-selling authors. It was done to increase sales of both print and e-ARC editions.
It worked.
Sadly, since his death, it's not what it was and some books have been pulled. Still, a few remain:
Or....You can always google "Baen CD" and get access to the CD's Baen used to put in the back of their hardcover editions. The CD's build on each other, so the last four or so contain all of the works put out there for free. The best reads would be Bujould's Vorkorsigan books, the NYT bestselling Honor Harrington series by Weber and Ringo's Aldenata series, which is purely popcorn reading.