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Nice trip, but some observations.
Fly into and out of ANYWHERE but American in Miami. And the rental car thing is an ordeal. I'd rather drive. Srsly.
The Keys are lovely and do not attract the beach crowd. very few beaches.
Swimming with dolphins is pricey but pretty cool.
Key West was a disappointment. Tourist trap. I didn't see a single person who was even eccentric looking. Reminds me of Charlotte Amalie on St. Thomas. Designed only to lighten your pockets. It's quite a large town too.
Best of all was lots of time with both my brothers and my uncle. High hilarity.
Worst of all was lots of time with my brothers and my uncle. No, wait, it was the Miami airport. But still....
It was fun. You get in and you pet them, get a kiss, a ride holding on to the dorsal fin, etc. I had a splash fight with one.
BUT.... this trip was all about the CAT! A gorgeous, very loving stray that showed up the second night. If we had been driving, he would have come home with us. Never met a more affectionate cat.
So, over the next few days I put on the full court press to find him a home. And we did. he now lives in luxury and love with a neighbor down there.
Speaking of cats, were the current residents good while you were gone?