Doubt it. But feel free to continue to convince me that you are indeed totally clueless of what is going on up here.
You’re doing just one a helluva job at it. I just hope other readers here are appreciating just how thick headed you are as much as I am.
@Renauda said in Sledgehammer:
Doubt it. But feel free to continue to convince me that you are indeed totally clueless of what is going on up here.
You’re doing just one a helluva job at it. I just hope other readers here are appreciating just how thick headed you are as much as I am.
You know, only 25-30% of the population supported an American Revolution. Sometimes, minorities can swing entire populations, given the right circumstances.
And I'm truly sorry I'm not up to your lofty intellectual standards. I'll certainly try harder.
Son, I'm not in a hole. Intellectually or otherwise.
No, get your fingers out of your ears, quit chanting na-na-na, and consider what is going on in your country.
You're supporting a government that has stolen money, threatened to take people's children and their pets and is most definitely not listening to many of the people they supposedly govern. And you've refused to consider the protester's views might have some merit, which could be considered intellectual constipation.
Don't be constipated...
Don’t you “son” me you thick headed ass. I will support whatever government I choose to support.
While you go right ahead and advocate for rights of the mob, I’ll advocate for the Canadians that whose rights your mob has shown nothing but contempt.,
So what about the rights of the citizens of Ottawa living in the core who this rabble have kept awake at night with their air horns partying and hollering 24/7 for last three weeks? What about the citizens who have been verbally harassed and humiliated for wearing a mask, or their race or gender? What about the citizens who have been prevented from going to work because of the protests? What about the people in the apartment bloc in Ottawa whose main floor lobby was set alight by members of the rabble?
How about those protesters in past two days whonhave deliberately placed children in front of the advancing police line? How about it, Mr. Jolly?
There is a reason why Trump once declared “I love the poorly educated” — reason being they are easily fooled and led (or rather misled) by simplistic dogmas. These so-called “decent folks” have somehow come up with a bizarre concept of freedom or personal liberty devoid of any link to social responsibility. They spout their freedom mantra non stop without a coherent articulation of what it really means. It’s pure emotion, anger, an on-going tantrum mixed up with other dissatisfactions in their personal lives and economic stresses.
So yeah, I could care less about what you or others like you think. You can go ahead and lie and distort the world you live in all you want. But make no goddamn mistake, I as much as the next person living in this country knows that where we are now is the result of a royal cluster fuck abetted by the gross incompetence and moral cowardice of our elected representatives and their appointed officials. Canada has finally demonstrated it is no better than others. It’s now to up to our police to clean up the shit we have left for them.
So you can kiss my ass, Beauregard.
Ah, passion...Nice to see you believe in something, even if it is abuse of power and a wannabe tinpot dictator.
Son, I'm sorry that some folks in Ottawa were inconvenienced or didn't get a full night's sleep. But unless you're lying, you'd have to admit the Trucker's Protest was remarkably non-violent, especially considering the passions of the subject matter. And I think they had some positive points:
- They were protesting against the Canadian government's abuse of power and continuing to exercise that power, even after it has been irrefutably shown that vaccinated people can become infected with COVID and can transmit the disease.
- They exposed an underlying brutality of the Canadian government that I think will continue to reverberate for some time. Assuming Canadians are overall decent people, it is indecent for a government to steal donated funds, freeze assets of people who do not agree with the government, assist in doxxing donors to a political cause, threaten to take away people's children and euthanize their pets. These are the actions if a dictatorship, not a democracy.
- Trudeau was exposed for the nattering ninny of a coward he is and it hurt his political capitol and his political career. I can only add a loud huzzah!, as another nail gets pounded into his political coffin. Maybe he can muck stalls out for you, after his days in Ottawa are through. Just don't overpay him. Or make him paint his face black
- Lastly, I'm glad I can get your blood pressure up and launch that heart target rate up into a nice working state. The Canadian government says you should get 150 minutes of aerobic exercise per week.
Help me to help you.
When you get Cruz and Omar to agree on anything, you have truly achieved a miracle.
@Renauda said in Sledgehammer:
Gee, I hope you didn’t lose too much money, Beauregard.
You can always wish your Republic of Duck Dynasts will some day liberate us from ourselves. Good luck with that.
Go enjoy your supper, watch the Olympics and cheer on the Chinese. It'll do you good, cheering on a totalitarian regime...That way, when you bend the knee, you'll be in practice.
Say what you want about Phil and his boys, they ain't bending the knee...
Finished watching the Olympics yesterday when Team Canada beat Team USA for bronze in men’s curling. Nothing else is of interest.
Pretty difficult hear you way down that hole you’ve dug. If you keep hollering shrill like that you’ll damage your vocal chords.
What? You'd like to be field hand?
This is not you, is it?
Hey, coward. Put the Massa quote back in.
You're ruining my description of you.
@Jolly said in Sledgehammer:
When you get Cruz and Omar to agree on anything, you have truly achieved a miracle.
Well, maybe a lot more oddfellows than just Cruz and Omar...
Link to video -
Finally, The Paper of Record has a solution.