To address the people getting fired...
@jolly said in Telehealth:
You can do a lot of good stuff via telemedicine: take a history, follow up on surgical care, answer questions, etc.
But, you can't take a blood pressure, get a blood sample, listen to a chest or intubate someone over zoom.
I wonder where the "shortage" comes from: the nurses/docs/PA's, or the people on the "front lines," taking care of sick people in-house?
Don't know.
What I do know is that New York lost a good many hospital workers because of the state vaccine mandate.
Speaking of the mandate...I read a piece yesterday written by a guy who just spent a week in NYC. He wrote the vaccine "passport" was being spottily enforced, especially at restaurants.
@jolly said in Telehealth:
the vaccine "passport"
My place (Northwestern) didn't provide me with a card. I have to go to MyChart and print a documentation about the dates of vaccination, lot #, location. If I want a "card," I have to specifically request it.
That's totally fine, but it gets messy when, as I did this weekend, I go somewhere else for a booster.
All this documentation's going to take up serious room in my wallet.
If (big if) they take them.
This still makes no sense. An x-ray technician that’s unvaxxed wearing proper PPE and taking proper precautions poses much less risk to me than not having that x-ray performed in a timely manner because they are understaffed….
I suspect a huge percentage of those unvaxxed guys have natural immunity and are no more likely to be infectious as a vaxxed employee, regardless of PPE.