Holy Crap. Neal McDonough IS Buck Compton.
This is insane.
- Pictures taken of Buck Compton at the time he was in the war look similar to McDonough when he was that age.
- They both played college baseball.
- Where he lived when he got the part was two blocks away from where Compton grew up.
- After the war, Compton became a police officer. After Band of Brothers, McDonough played a police officer in Minority Report.
- After being a police officer, Compton became an assistant D.A. After Minority Report, McDonough played an assistant D.A. in Boomtown.
- The actors did a one-month boot camp in England to prepare for their roles. During that time, McDonough busted his lip up and needed stitches. He didn't want the network to get into trouble with insurance regarding injuries, so when he went into the nearby hospital, he gave the nurse the name of Buck Compton when he was seen.