wrote on 3 Sept 2021, 22:08 last edited by
Lock 'em up
Zero tolerance, get these democrats out of here
CA school board faces intense backlash over 'Antifa' teacher: 'Where does the f---g buck stop?'
Gabriel Gipe bragged about trying to turn students into 'revolutionaries'
The Natomas school board in northwestern California saw a raucous meeting this week as outraged parents and members of the public demanded additional accountability for a teacher who said he wanted to turn the school's kids into revolutionaries.
The issue emerged after Project Veritas released a video showing teacher Gabriel Gipe stating that he tried to "scare the f---" out of kids in order to motivate them politically. Footage also surfaced of his classroom, which reportedly included a poster of former Chinese dictator Mao Zedong, as well as one with the Antifa flag.
By Wednesday's meeting, the school board had started moving to place Gipe on unpaid leave but parents demanded more from others who, they said, allowed Gipe's behavior to flourish.
"You feel this pain right here? It's not going away. The only question I got is where does the f---g buck stop?" asked a man who identified as Jay Ash (spelling unclear). He went on to say, "This is bigger than one teacher … there were so many red flags. The man had an Antifa flag behind his desk. He had Chairman Mao in the f---g corner. Are you kidding me?"
His and other fiery comments received applause from the audience.
One woman, who claimed to have brought her daughter, received heightened support with cheers and rounds of applause from the crowd.
"The reason why my daughter is standing behind me is because my job as a parent is to protect her from anybody that has ill will towards her," she said. She indicated her daughter was either in contact with Gipe or in his class.
"In two weeks and 13 days, he was allowed to change my daughter's mind about some fascist crap that y'all have let in this school," she added to raucous applause. The school year started on Aug. 13.
Many worried about potential criminal conduct and demanded an investigation.
wrote on 3 Sept 2021, 23:01 last edited by
Agreed that Gipe loon needs to go. But the audience didn't exactly cover itself with glory, either. Children of the publicly ill-bred are more likely to be swayed by the Gipes of the world.
Agreed that Gipe loon needs to go. But the audience didn't exactly cover itself with glory, either. Children of the publicly ill-bred are more likely to be swayed by the Gipes of the world.
wrote on 3 Sept 2021, 23:25 last edited by
Who dat? Deplorables?
Raucous, loud, rude, F-bombs in front of their children. Like that.
Agreed, manners are essential to the function of society, but sometimes you have to get people's attention. In today's coarse society, attention getters have gotten more "energetic"?
wrote on 3 Sept 2021, 23:30 last edited by
Yeah, but at what cost to both society and their message?