The best fighter that was never adopted?
I sound like a broken record on this. But I don't get what the point of fancy military aircrafts are.
In my lifetime they've been used almost exclusively to bomb developing countries with weak defenses.
Have there been any high profile dogfights or truly dangerous bombing runs we've engaged in over the past 30 years?
Iraq had one of the most sophisticated air defense systems in the world. By using a combination of old and cutting edge technology - F-117 and B-52's using cruise missiles - we rapidly established air superiority and then dominance.
Once that is established in modern warfare, the outcome is assured, as long as sufficient ground forces are available.
I sound like a broken record on this. But I don't get what the point of fancy military aircrafts are.
In my lifetime they've been used almost exclusively to bomb developing countries with weak defenses.
Have there been any high profile dogfights or truly dangerous bombing runs we've engaged in over the past 30 years?