They're not going to sell many of these in England....
wrote on 11 Aug 2021, 17:38 last edited by
Any Red Dwarf fans in the house?
What the hell are they heating up in this?
wrote on 11 Aug 2021, 17:44 last edited by
Ask Aqua. He's all into weird pitcher shapes.
wrote on 11 Aug 2021, 17:46 last edited by
@catseye3 said in They're not going to sell many of these in England....:
Ask Aqua. He's all into weird pitcher shapes.
It's not the shape that bothers me, it's the smeg.
wrote on 11 Aug 2021, 18:11 last edited by
Actually I think nerds are gonna smegging love it. 😄
Actually I think nerds are gonna smegging love it. 😄
wrote on 11 Aug 2021, 18:30 last edited by@aqua-letifer said in They're not going to sell many of these in England....:
Actually I think nerds are gonna smegging love it. 😄
If it was $40, I'd definitely buy it. No kettle is worth $230, even with added smeg.
wrote on 11 Aug 2021, 19:07 last edited by
Smegma I suppose.
wrote on 11 Aug 2021, 19:09 last edited by
Dr. Who is okay, but I could never get into Red Dwarf.
wrote on 11 Aug 2021, 21:42 last edited by
@jolly said in They're not going to sell many of these in England....:
Dr. Who is okay, but I could never get into Red Dwarf.
Never got into either. Too campy.
wrote on 12 Aug 2021, 00:42 last edited by
Osmotic process. Daughter was a big Dr. Who fan.
wrote on 12 Aug 2021, 02:06 last edited by Doctor Phibes 8 Dec 2021, 02:06
Modern Doctor Who isn't the same show at all.
The one with Peter Capaldi wasn't campy. In my opinion he was the best Doctor of all. I haven't liked the most recent Doctor as much - the scripts aren't good enough.
Modern Doctor Who isn't the same show at all.
The one with Peter Capaldi wasn't campy. In my opinion he was the best Doctor of all. I haven't liked the most recent Doctor as much - the scripts aren't good enough.
wrote on 12 Aug 2021, 18:37 last edited by@doctor-phibes said in They're not going to sell many of these in England....:
Modern Doctor Who isn't the same show at all.
The one with Peter Capaldi wasn't campy. In my opinion he was the best Doctor of all.
Can you just start watching those cold, or do you have to watch the entire back-log as a prerequisite?
@doctor-phibes said in They're not going to sell many of these in England....:
Modern Doctor Who isn't the same show at all.
The one with Peter Capaldi wasn't campy. In my opinion he was the best Doctor of all.
Can you just start watching those cold, or do you have to watch the entire back-log as a prerequisite?
wrote on 12 Aug 2021, 18:57 last edited by@aqua-letifer said in They're not going to sell many of these in England....:
@doctor-phibes said in They're not going to sell many of these in England....:
Modern Doctor Who isn't the same show at all.
The one with Peter Capaldi wasn't campy. In my opinion he was the best Doctor of all.
Can you just start watching those cold, or do you have to watch the entire back-log as a prerequisite?
You don't have to watch the whole thing, but it wouldn't hurt to watch the last couple of the previous incarnation. The long story arc is very much secondary to individual episodes, and the main villain (Missy) in the Capaldi series wasn't in the Matt Smith series at all. The initial companion, Clara, crosses between the two.