Interesting Speech
Here's the transcript:
Begin transcript
"To adress your comment, 'Gee , it's hard to believe we're 18 months into this and still having a problem, I would suggest the reason we still have a problem is because we're doing things that are not useful and we're getting our sources of information from the Indiana State Board of Health an the CDC, who actually don't bother to read science before they do this.I'm a Functional Family Medicine physician, that means I am specially trained in immunology and inflammation regulation, and everything being recommended by the CDC and the State Board of Health is actually contrary to all the rules of science.
So the things you should know about coronaviruses and all other respiratory viruses is they're spread by aerosol particles which are small enough to go through every mask. By the way, the literature that supports all of that is in a flash drive we've presented to you. It's been given to the secretary.
As a matter of fact, it quotes at least 3 studies sponsored by the NIH to that exact fact, even though the CDC and NIH have chosen to ignore the very science that they paid to have done.
That is why you keep struggling with this because you cannot make these viruses go away. The natural history of all respiratory viruses is that they circulate all year long, waiting for the immune system to get sick through the winter, or become deranged, as has happened recently with these vaccines, and then they cause symptomatic disease.
Because they cannot be filtered out, and because they have animal reservoirs, and this is a very important point, no one can make this virus go away.
The CDC has managed to convince everybody that we can handle this like we did smallpox, where we could make a virus go away. Smallpox had no animal reservoirs; the only thing it learned to infect was humans. That's why we were able to make that virus go away.
That will not happen with this, any more than it will with influenza, the common cold, respiratory syncytial virus, adnoviral respiratory syndromes, or any thing else that has animal reservoires.
So the reason you can't do this is because you're trying to do something that's already been tried and can't be done.
Equally important, is that vaccination changes none of this, especially with this vaccine, and I would hope this Board would start asking itself, before it starts taking the advice of the CDC, the NIH, and the State Board of Health, why we're doing things about this that we didn't do for the common cold, influenza or respiratory syncytial virus, and then ask yourself, 'Why is a vaccine that is supposedly so effective, having a breakout in the middle of the summer, when respiratory viral syndromes don't do that?'
And to help you understand that you need to know the condition that is called, Antibody Mediated Viral Enhancement. That is a condition done when vaccines work wrong, as they did in every coronavirus study done in animals, on coronaviruses after the SARS outbreak, and done in respiratory syncytial virus, where a vaccine used in a vulnerable individual, done the wrong way, which it can not be done right for a respiratory virus which has a very low pathogenecity rate, causes the immune system to actually fight the virus wrong, and let the virus become worse than it would with native infection.
And that is why you're seeing an outbreak right now, in fact in that flash drive you're going to have coming to you in the emails with six extra [transcript missing a few words here]showing that 75% of people who had Covid 19 positive, symptom cases in Barnstable Massachusetts outbreak, were fully vaccinated.
[audience applause]
Therefore, there is no reason for treating any person vaccinated, any differently than any person unvaccinated. You should also know that no vaccine, even the ones that I support and would give to myself and my children, ever stops infection.
In 2014 there was an outbreak of Mumps in the National Hockey League. The only people that came down with symptoms were the people who were unvaccinated or unknown vaccine status. Boy that sounds like a great argument for vaccines.
But a question you should ask yourself, knowing that half of the people who came down with symptomatic disease had no contact with an unvaccinated or unknown vaccine status individual, 'Where did they get the disease?'
And the answer was, 'From the vaccinated individuals.'
No vaccine prevents you from getting infection. You get infected. You shed pathogens. This is especially true of viral respiratory pathogens. You just don't get symptomatic from it.
So you cannot stop spread, you cannot make any of these numbers you've planned on get any better by doing any of the things you're doing, because that is the nature of viral respiratory pathogens.
And you can't prevent it with a vaccine because they don't do the very thing you're wanting them to do, and you will be chasing this the remainder of your life until you recognize that the Center for Disease Control, and the Indiana State Board of Health, are giving you very bad scientific guidance , and instead, read the articles that are coming on the email and that are on this flash drive, and listen to the people in this audience tonight, who've actually recognized that the advice they are getting from the CDC and the NIH is counter factual, and that's why you're still fighting this with this vaccine that supposedly was going to make all of this go away , but has suddenly managed to make an outbreak of Covid-19 develop in the middle of the summer, when Vitamin D levels are at their highest.
By the way, the other thing that would be necessary for any vaccine restriction be considered is if there were no other treatment available. And I can tell you having treated over 15 Covid-19 patients, that between active loading with Vitamin D, Ivermectin and Zinc, that there is not a single person who has come anywhere near the hospital, and we already have studies that show that if you achieve a 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D level greater than 55, your risk of Covid-19 death will drop down to one quarter of the population average for the United States.
And there are active treatment trials included on that flash drive that will show the same is true.
So if you're going to discriminate based upon vaccine you should also discriminate based on 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D level, Zinc Taste Test Response, and probably previous infection, since there are also studies on that flash drive that show that people who have recovered from Covid-19 infection actually get no benefit from vaccination at all, no reduction in symptoms, no reduction in hospitalization, and suffer 2 to 4 times the rate of side-effects if they are subsequently vaccinated.
Therefore the policies you're basing on are totally counter-factual. I don't blame this board for that 'cause you are not scientists and you've thought it was reasonable to listen the CDC, NIH, and the Indiana State Board of Health, but I would encourage that instead you listen to the people out here in this audience and read what's on that data drive. And if anybody here on this Board has any questions about anything on that, I will happily come back and sit with you individually if you would like, to explain the science behind this.
And if you're worried about being sued by somebody because you don't follow the guidance of the CDC and the NIH, I will tell you, you have a free pro bono expert testimony at your disposal.
[audience applause]
I will testify in defense of this Board turning down all these recommendations, for free, at any time, at any court. Thank you.
wrote on 10 Aug 2021, 12:30 last edited by@jolly said in Interesting Speech:
In 2014 there was an outbreak of Mumps in the National Hockey League. The only people that came down with symptoms were the people who were unvaccinated or unknown vaccine status. Boy that sounds like a great argument for vaccines.
But a question you should ask yourself, knowing that half of the people who came down with symptomatic disease had no contact with an unvaccinated or unknown vaccine status individual, 'Where did they get the disease?'
And the answer was, 'From the vaccinated individuals.'
No vaccine prevents you from getting infection. You get infected. You shed pathogens. This is especially true of viral respiratory pathogens. You just don't get symptomatic from it.
So you cannot stop spread, you cannot make any of these numbers you've planned on get any better by doing any of the things you're doing, because that is the nature of viral respiratory pathogens.This doesn't make sense to me.
Nobody gets smallpox or polio any more. Nobody. Vaccination did that. OK, they're not respiratory, but the vaccination essentially eradicated the diseases.
This is a political speech, IMHO.
@jolly said in Interesting Speech:
In 2014 there was an outbreak of Mumps in the National Hockey League. The only people that came down with symptoms were the people who were unvaccinated or unknown vaccine status. Boy that sounds like a great argument for vaccines.
But a question you should ask yourself, knowing that half of the people who came down with symptomatic disease had no contact with an unvaccinated or unknown vaccine status individual, 'Where did they get the disease?'
And the answer was, 'From the vaccinated individuals.'
No vaccine prevents you from getting infection. You get infected. You shed pathogens. This is especially true of viral respiratory pathogens. You just don't get symptomatic from it.
So you cannot stop spread, you cannot make any of these numbers you've planned on get any better by doing any of the things you're doing, because that is the nature of viral respiratory pathogens.This doesn't make sense to me.
Nobody gets smallpox or polio any more. Nobody. Vaccination did that. OK, they're not respiratory, but the vaccination essentially eradicated the diseases.
This is a political speech, IMHO.
wrote on 10 Aug 2021, 13:06 last edited by@doctor-phibes said in Interesting Speech:
@jolly said in Interesting Speech:
In 2014 there was an outbreak of Mumps in the National Hockey League. The only people that came down with symptoms were the people who were unvaccinated or unknown vaccine status. Boy that sounds like a great argument for vaccines.
But a question you should ask yourself, knowing that half of the people who came down with symptomatic disease had no contact with an unvaccinated or unknown vaccine status individual, 'Where did they get the disease?'
And the answer was, 'From the vaccinated individuals.'
No vaccine prevents you from getting infection. You get infected. You shed pathogens. This is especially true of viral respiratory pathogens. You just don't get symptomatic from it.
So you cannot stop spread, you cannot make any of these numbers you've planned on get any better by doing any of the things you're doing, because that is the nature of viral respiratory pathogens.This doesn't make sense to me.
Nobody gets smallpox or polio any more. Nobody. Vaccination did that. OK, they're not respiratory, but the vaccination essentially eradicated the diseases.
This is a political speech, IMHO.
Yes, some is definitely political. (BTW, polio is still out there).
What's interesting is that I think there are some nuggets in there, that bear examining. The mask efficacy is one. Another is the fact that COVID will likely not be eradicated. Another is this crazy summer spike, which is contraindicated for respiratory viruses. Another is the fact that vaccinated individuals are equally capable of being disease transmitters as infected people.
Now, until some of these points are addressed in an honest and workmanlike manner by TPTB, people who naturally think the government is prone to lying to the populance won't trust half of what they hear from the government.
The wife and I were discussing people's attitudes down here towards COVID. After multiple edicts that seemed to flip-flop all over the place, a lack of mortality in people under 50, a lack of morbidity in people in up to twenty years-old, a total disruption of normal life and a fairly high vaccination rate of the most vulnerable, people kinda just threw up their hands and said "Screw it". They want to go out to eat, to go to a bar to hear a live band and have a drink, to attend a sporting event, to attend church.
So, we've got a spike. The hospitals are full. And people don't give a damn. They have resigned themselves to the idea that getting COVID is more a matter of when, not if. I do think some of the deaths (we had a thirty-something in the community die this morning) can drive vaccination rates, but I think people have crossed the Rubicon in respect to lockdowns and restrictions.
Sadly, I think the government is responsible for some of that.
wrote on 10 Aug 2021, 13:29 last edited by
Regarding masks, I think they were more effective than the naysayers believe and a lot less effective than the true believer thinks. When people started masking, they started being more space conscious and started spending less time in groups in small areas.
Dealing with seasonality and the outbreak, Florida, LA, and Texas had outbreaks last summer, too. It’s too hot, so people are gathering indoors in the AC. Those three states are driving 80% of the increase. The other factor is Delta is 10 times more transmissible than the original. It just landed in the summer…
I do believe the biggest mistake by the health authorities during all of this is not confronting obesity and how it affects people with this disease. We should have been told to wash, distance, mask, and drop 5 pounds a month… The second biggest failure was not addressing Vitamin D deficiencies…
I can’t address his Antibodies argument, but that seems highly unlikely to me…
@doctor-phibes said in Interesting Speech:
@jolly said in Interesting Speech:
In 2014 there was an outbreak of Mumps in the National Hockey League. The only people that came down with symptoms were the people who were unvaccinated or unknown vaccine status. Boy that sounds like a great argument for vaccines.
But a question you should ask yourself, knowing that half of the people who came down with symptomatic disease had no contact with an unvaccinated or unknown vaccine status individual, 'Where did they get the disease?'
And the answer was, 'From the vaccinated individuals.'
No vaccine prevents you from getting infection. You get infected. You shed pathogens. This is especially true of viral respiratory pathogens. You just don't get symptomatic from it.
So you cannot stop spread, you cannot make any of these numbers you've planned on get any better by doing any of the things you're doing, because that is the nature of viral respiratory pathogens.This doesn't make sense to me.
Nobody gets smallpox or polio any more. Nobody. Vaccination did that. OK, they're not respiratory, but the vaccination essentially eradicated the diseases.
This is a political speech, IMHO.
Yes, some is definitely political. (BTW, polio is still out there).
What's interesting is that I think there are some nuggets in there, that bear examining. The mask efficacy is one. Another is the fact that COVID will likely not be eradicated. Another is this crazy summer spike, which is contraindicated for respiratory viruses. Another is the fact that vaccinated individuals are equally capable of being disease transmitters as infected people.
Now, until some of these points are addressed in an honest and workmanlike manner by TPTB, people who naturally think the government is prone to lying to the populance won't trust half of what they hear from the government.
The wife and I were discussing people's attitudes down here towards COVID. After multiple edicts that seemed to flip-flop all over the place, a lack of mortality in people under 50, a lack of morbidity in people in up to twenty years-old, a total disruption of normal life and a fairly high vaccination rate of the most vulnerable, people kinda just threw up their hands and said "Screw it". They want to go out to eat, to go to a bar to hear a live band and have a drink, to attend a sporting event, to attend church.
So, we've got a spike. The hospitals are full. And people don't give a damn. They have resigned themselves to the idea that getting COVID is more a matter of when, not if. I do think some of the deaths (we had a thirty-something in the community die this morning) can drive vaccination rates, but I think people have crossed the Rubicon in respect to lockdowns and restrictions.
Sadly, I think the government is responsible for some of that.
wrote on 10 Aug 2021, 13:43 last edited by@jolly said in Interesting Speech:
(BTW, polio is still out there).
It's declined by 99.9%. The vaccination did that. What this person said about vaccines is false, so he's either clueless or he's lying.
@jolly said in Interesting Speech:
(BTW, polio is still out there).
It's declined by 99.9%. The vaccination did that. What this person said about vaccines is false, so he's either clueless or he's lying.
wrote on 10 Aug 2021, 13:45 last edited by@doctor-phibes said in Interesting Speech:
@jolly said in Interesting Speech:
(BTW, polio is still out there).
It's declined by 99.9%. The vaccination did that. What this person said about vaccines is false, so he's either clueless or he's lying.
In his defense, he specifically points out vaccinations against respiratory disease. Can you point to a truly successful vaccination against any respiratory illnesses?
@jolly said in Interesting Speech:
(BTW, polio is still out there).
It's declined by 99.9%. The vaccination did that. What this person said about vaccines is false, so he's either clueless or he's lying.
wrote on 10 Aug 2021, 13:50 last edited by@doctor-phibes said in Interesting Speech:
@jolly said in Interesting Speech:
(BTW, polio is still out there).
It's declined by 99.9%. The vaccination did that. What this person said about vaccines is false, so he's either clueless or he's lying.
Where did you get your M.D.? Walmart? Or Target?😃
You may not agree with everything he's saying, but how effective is that flu shot you get every year?
@doctor-phibes said in Interesting Speech:
@jolly said in Interesting Speech:
(BTW, polio is still out there).
It's declined by 99.9%. The vaccination did that. What this person said about vaccines is false, so he's either clueless or he's lying.
In his defense, he specifically points out vaccinations against respiratory disease. Can you point to a truly successful vaccination against any respiratory illnesses?
wrote on 10 Aug 2021, 13:51 last edited by@lufins-dad said in Interesting Speech:
@doctor-phibes said in Interesting Speech:
@jolly said in Interesting Speech:
(BTW, polio is still out there).
It's declined by 99.9%. The vaccination did that. What this person said about vaccines is false, so he's either clueless or he's lying.
In his defense, he specifically points out vaccinations against respiratory disease. Can you point to a truly successful vaccination against any respiratory illnesses?
Whooping cough. I know it's not perfect, but it's gone from 200,000 to 10,000.
What this guy is doing is propaganda. He puts in some stuff that may or may not be true, but the underlying message, that vaccines don't work, is bullshit.
@doctor-phibes said in Interesting Speech:
@jolly said in Interesting Speech:
(BTW, polio is still out there).
It's declined by 99.9%. The vaccination did that. What this person said about vaccines is false, so he's either clueless or he's lying.
Where did you get your M.D.? Walmart? Or Target?😃
You may not agree with everything he's saying, but how effective is that flu shot you get every year?
wrote on 10 Aug 2021, 13:54 last edited by@jolly said in Interesting Speech:
Where did you get your M.D.? Walmart? Or Target?
Ah, the appeal to authority. How ironic.
@jolly said in Interesting Speech:
Where did you get your M.D.? Walmart? Or Target?
Ah, the appeal to authority. How ironic.
wrote on 10 Aug 2021, 13:56 last edited by@doctor-phibes said in Interesting Speech:
@jolly said in Interesting Speech:
Where did you get your M.D.? Walmart? Or Target?
Ah, the appeal to authority. How ironic.
Sorry we stepped on your religion.😄
@lufins-dad said in Interesting Speech:
@doctor-phibes said in Interesting Speech:
@jolly said in Interesting Speech:
(BTW, polio is still out there).
It's declined by 99.9%. The vaccination did that. What this person said about vaccines is false, so he's either clueless or he's lying.
In his defense, he specifically points out vaccinations against respiratory disease. Can you point to a truly successful vaccination against any respiratory illnesses?
Whooping cough. I know it's not perfect, but it's gone from 200,000 to 10,000.
What this guy is doing is propaganda. He puts in some stuff that may or may not be true, but the underlying message, that vaccines don't work, is bullshit.
wrote on 10 Aug 2021, 13:56 last edited by@doctor-phibes said in Interesting Speech:
@lufins-dad said in Interesting Speech:
@doctor-phibes said in Interesting Speech:
@jolly said in Interesting Speech:
(BTW, polio is still out there).
It's declined by 99.9%. The vaccination did that. What this person said about vaccines is false, so he's either clueless or he's lying.
In his defense, he specifically points out vaccinations against respiratory disease. Can you point to a truly successful vaccination against any respiratory illnesses?
Whooping cough. I know it's not perfect, but it's gone from 200,000 to 10,000.
What this guy is doing is propaganda. He puts in some stuff that may or may not be true, but the underlying message, that vaccines don't work, is bullshit.
Very good. I hadn’t thought of Whooping Cough. I think you are missing his main message, though. His main message is “all of you vaccine skeptics should come to my Alternative Medicine practice. Your insurance won’t cover it, but how important is your health? Payment plans are available, after all, lavender oil is expensive!”
@doctor-phibes said in Interesting Speech:
@jolly said in Interesting Speech:
Where did you get your M.D.? Walmart? Or Target?
Ah, the appeal to authority. How ironic.
Sorry we stepped on your religion.😄
wrote on 10 Aug 2021, 14:10 last edited by@jolly said in Interesting Speech:
@doctor-phibes said in Interesting Speech:
@jolly said in Interesting Speech:
Where did you get your M.D.? Walmart? Or Target?
Ah, the appeal to authority. How ironic.
Sorry we stepped on your religion.😄
You keep trying to make this about me, but it's really not.
wrote on 10 Aug 2021, 14:18 last edited by
It's a generic you.
You need to look past where this guy is wrong and admit where he may be right. That's the only way you're going to drag a lot of people in fly-over country over the vaccine goal line.