In Russia
The McDonalds ad made me break my fast for Lent, so I'm going to sue!
A woman from Omsk, Russia, is reportedly suing McDonald's over an advert featuring cheeseburgers and chicken nuggets, which she said caused her to break her fast during Lent.
Ksenia Ovchinnikova, an Orthodox Christian, said she was trying to stay away from meat and other animal products during the six-week period leading up to Easter in 2019, according to multiple reports.
The case was first reported by Russian state media and picked up by western outlets including Fox News, which wrote that she abstained from eating meat for a month when the enticing McDonald's advert made her give in, according to the lawsuit.
Lent is a strict period in which many devout Christians are expected to sacrifice the eating of meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy for the entire season.
Nice to see Russia becoming more like the US in terms of suing for whatever...
You'll notice she hasn't got the balls to sue a Russian company...
You'll notice she hasn't got the balls to sue a Russian company...