Politics & Flutes
@jolly said in Politics & Flutes:
And the second question is whether such agreements violates one's right to Free Speech?
The Constitution provides protection against the government violating your right to free speech, it doesn't provide protection against your employer terminating your employment.
I can't stand up in a company meeting and shout 'MY COMPANY SUCKS!' without expecting repercussions.
In fact, the idea that I can say whatever the hell I like at work is so ridiculous, it's not even worth contemplating.
@doctor-phibes said in Politics & Flutes:
@jolly said in Politics & Flutes:
And the second question is whether such agreements violates one's right to Free Speech?
The Constitution provides protection against the government violating your right to free speech, it doesn't provide protection against your employer terminating your employment.
I can't stand up in a company meeting and shout 'MY COMPANY SUCKS!' without expecting repercussions.
Yeah, but can you say it outside of the building, on your own time?
@doctor-phibes said in Politics & Flutes:
@jolly said in Politics & Flutes:
And the second question is whether such agreements violates one's right to Free Speech?
The Constitution provides protection against the government violating your right to free speech, it doesn't provide protection against your employer terminating your employment.
I can't stand up in a company meeting and shout 'MY COMPANY SUCKS!' without expecting repercussions.
Yeah, but can you say it outside of the building, on your own time?
@jolly said in Politics & Flutes:
@doctor-phibes said in Politics & Flutes:
@jolly said in Politics & Flutes:
And the second question is whether such agreements violates one's right to Free Speech?
The Constitution provides protection against the government violating your right to free speech, it doesn't provide protection against your employer terminating your employment.
I can't stand up in a company meeting and shout 'MY COMPANY SUCKS!' without expecting repercussions.
Yeah, but can you say it outside of the building, on your own time?
You can say it, but they can still fire you for bringing the company into disrepute if you're portraying yourself as an employee.
But I'm an at will employee, they can fire me anyway.
“progressive discipline policy,”
The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra is funded by the city and county governments. They perform in venues that are also government funded…
I know a few members of the Baltimore Symphony. My bet? The problem isn’t external, it’s internal. She’s pissing off other members of the orchestra.
Yeah, she'd just a magat. Magats have no rights, are second class citizens and should be shunned.
The MSM and Big Tech is working well with the Goebel's Department to craft the message. People like her should be denied basic due process, locked in solitary confinement for months on misdemeanor charges and denied hearings and trials in a timely manner.
Oh, silly me...They already do that.
Oh well, next step...
@jolly said in Politics & Flutes:
Yeah, she'd just a magat. Magats have no rights, are second class citizens and should be shunned.
The MSM and Big Tech is working well with the Goebel's Department to craft the message. People like her should be denied basic due process, locked in solitary confinement for months on misdemeanor charges and denied hearings and trials in a timely manner.
Oh, silly me...They already do that.
Oh well, next step...
So you're okay with firing someone who openly voted Democrat—"elections have consequences" I think is how you put it—but this is different somehow?
Mr.Obama is the originator of the phrase, elections have consequences. And they do.
Now, do elections trump the Constitution?
@jolly said in Politics & Flutes:
Mr.Obama is the originator of the phrase, elections have consequences. And they do.
Now, do elections trump the Constitution?
Yep, that's what I thought.
"That's a very good question, now let me answer by asking you a question...."
She responds:
The principal flute of the Baltimore Symphony, fired on Tuesday for what the orchestra says are disciplinary offences, has responded overnight on Slipped Disc to some of the things being written about her.
In one comment she says: ‘I do believe an incompetent management team which chronically endangers the well being of the organization and makes the musicians eat the costs of their failures needs to be exposed for their contributions to the failures.’
She continues: ‘Who is free to fire the BSO, Inc when they violate their own CBA and in house policies? Is it unilateral or bilateral?’
Further: ‘Several lawyers have explained to me that one cannot be fired for her beliefs, which is what my FB posts reflect, in many peoples’ opinions.’
She goes on to say: ‘If the USA, Inc granted the business license then the business needs to adhere to the laws of the land. If Title VII is important in the workplace, tell me why the 1st Amendment isn’t. If No Smoking is important in the workplace, tell me why HIPPA isn’t. If gassing people to death in WWII was found to be a crime against humanity, tell me why vaccine mandates are acceptable.’
And further: ‘I didn’t actually post anything antisemitic. It was a comment within a post. And antisemitic is an opinion, not a fact. Did you know a Semite is a desert-dweller, or rather a tribe of people from the desert, like the Palestinians? They need to have Hebrew DNA to be a true Semite, and dark skin. The term “antisemite” was a made-up term, by a Jewish journalist, for a German newspaper, in the mid-1930s. Much the way “conspiracy theory” was a term made up by the CIA after JFK’s assassination, and “anti-vaccination” was made up by the pharmaceutical companies. In other words, the very people who want you to buy into their crimes sell you the cancel culture. Think Facebook, Twitter, YouTube…’
Also: ‘Are colleagues who are fearful of an illness which is 95%- 99.995% survivable, depending upon your age group, qualified to opine who is or is not a spreader of “Covid” if their area of expertise is music performance? Not medicine? Is thinking someone spreads a disease a prerequisite for social conformity or lack thereof? Like leprosy?’
Finally: ‘SARS-CoV-2 has been proven not to exist. The CDC has no sample to offer any lab which may require it as a basis for comparison to their other samples. People in Ireland and in Vancouver, Canada have demanded in court to see proof of Covid from their respective Health Departments in order to validate mask and vaccine mandates. The respective Health Ministers had to capitulate and acknowledged that SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated in a laboratory by any scientific process. What we have been getting sick with, as proven in 1500 samples sent to Stanford University by seven EU Universities, is Influenza A and B; mostly A. There is no pandemic. The causes of deaths have been due to the very same diseases people always die from year after year, and people are dying at the very same rate at which we normally die, between 7%-11% annually. 10% in 2020. There are outlier years. I think 2017 was especially bad yet we wore no masks and closed down no businesses. This is all part of the New World Order plan. Lest you think this belongs only to Klaus Schwab and his ilk, George H. W. Bush can be heard speaking of this often. The true goal here was to get as many people vaccinated as possible by playing up the fear factor of Covid-19. “Covid” stands for “Certificate of Vaccine Idetification.” “19” stands for “AI,” (Artificial Intelligence.) A is the first letter of the alphabet. Which letter is the 9th?
‘I risked my job to warn musicians not to take the bait. I saw it as a moral imperative. Peoples’ lives, I reasoned, are more important than one individual’s job. I hope we all can agree on that point, even if you have a hard time hearing the TRUTH…which is usually uncomfortable.’
I just can't...
Wow. While some of the comments and actions have made me wish they could suck the vaccine back out, her comments make me want to sign up for 15 boosters…
She's the First Chair flutist. Whether you agree with her politics or not, does it effect how well she plays a flute?
And isn't that why she has her job?
She's the First Chair flutist. Whether you agree with her politics or not, does it effect how well she plays a flute?
And isn't that why she has her job?
@jolly said in Politics & Flutes:
She's the First Chair flutist. Whether you agree with her politics or not, does it effect how well she plays a flute?
And isn't that why she has her job?
Her job goes beyond just playing the flute. There is no way she can be maintaining a positive working relationship with the majority of that orchestra.
Speaking as a 63 on the rightwing kook spectrum, she’s pissing me off because her posts are so far out there she gives the kooks on the left ammunition…
She's the First Chair flutist. Whether you agree with her politics or not, does it effect how well she plays a flute?
And isn't that why she has her job?
@jolly said in Politics & Flutes:
She's the First Chair flutist. Whether you agree with her politics or not, does it effect how well she plays a flute?
And isn't that why she has her job?
I'll wait for the day you defend liberal nutters in similar situations. 😄 Until then, I'm going to consider all this politics masquerading as an employee rights discussion.
@jolly said in Politics & Flutes:
She's the First Chair flutist. Whether you agree with her politics or not, does it effect how well she plays a flute?
And isn't that why she has her job?
I'll wait for the day you defend liberal nutters in similar situations. 😄 Until then, I'm going to consider all this politics masquerading as an employee rights discussion.
@aqua-letifer said in Politics & Flutes:
@jolly said in Politics & Flutes:
She's the First Chair flutist. Whether you agree with her politics or not, does it effect how well she plays a flute?
And isn't that why she has her job?
I'll wait for the day you defend liberal nutters in similar situations. 😄 Until then, I'm going to consider all this politics masquerading as an employee rights discussion.
Yeah, I see where you are at, and I have a tendency to agree except we’ve seen no repercussions coming for those that are as whacky coming from the left.
If she had posted BLM propaganda and conspiracies, would she have been fired?
@jolly said in Politics & Flutes:
She's the First Chair flutist. Whether you agree with her politics or not, does it effect how well she plays a flute?
And isn't that why she has her job?
I'll wait for the day you defend liberal nutters in similar situations. 😄 Until then, I'm going to consider all this politics masquerading as an employee rights discussion.
@aqua-letifer said in Politics & Flutes:
Until then, I'm going to consider all this politics masquerading as an employee rights discussion.
A masquerade masquerading as an employee rights discussion.
fired on Tuesday for what the orchestra says are disciplinary offences,
@aqua-letifer said in Politics & Flutes:
@jolly said in Politics & Flutes:
She's the First Chair flutist. Whether you agree with her politics or not, does it effect how well she plays a flute?
And isn't that why she has her job?
I'll wait for the day you defend liberal nutters in similar situations. 😄 Until then, I'm going to consider all this politics masquerading as an employee rights discussion.
Yeah, I see where you are at, and I have a tendency to agree except we’ve seen no repercussions coming for those that are as whacky coming from the left.
If she had posted BLM propaganda and conspiracies, would she have been fired?
@lufins-dad said in Politics & Flutes:
@aqua-letifer said in Politics & Flutes:
@jolly said in Politics & Flutes:
She's the First Chair flutist. Whether you agree with her politics or not, does it effect how well she plays a flute?
And isn't that why she has her job?
I'll wait for the day you defend liberal nutters in similar situations. 😄 Until then, I'm going to consider all this politics masquerading as an employee rights discussion.
Yeah, I see where you are at, and I have a tendency to agree except we’ve seen no repercussions coming for those that are as whacky coming from the left.
If she had posted BLM propaganda and conspiracies, would she have been fired?
She would have been celebrated and that is what AL is vigorously trying to ignore...
Our systemic racism narrative is a grand conspiracy theory, not established by facts, which does great damage to the psyches of millions of Americans. And pledging your allegiance publicly to that fictitious narrative is a cultural badge of virtue and honor.
@lufins-dad said in Politics & Flutes:
@aqua-letifer said in Politics & Flutes:
@jolly said in Politics & Flutes:
She's the First Chair flutist. Whether you agree with her politics or not, does it effect how well she plays a flute?
And isn't that why she has her job?
I'll wait for the day you defend liberal nutters in similar situations. 😄 Until then, I'm going to consider all this politics masquerading as an employee rights discussion.
Yeah, I see where you are at, and I have a tendency to agree except we’ve seen no repercussions coming for those that are as whacky coming from the left.
If she had posted BLM propaganda and conspiracies, would she have been fired?
She would have been celebrated and that is what AL is vigorously trying to ignore...
@jolly said in Politics & Flutes:
She would have been celebrated and that is what AL is vigorously trying to ignore...
Tu toque. Certain industries lean left or right. Had this been a liberal getting fired from his HVAC job because he said Trump is a felon, you would have been campaigning for him to serve jail time.