Meanwhile, in Israel...
Imagine if Fauci had told the truth.
- About mask efficacy.
- About the origins of the disease.
- About funding gain-of-function research at a lab well-known for previous biohazard leaks.
- About the deadliness of the Delta variant.
- About the numbers needed for herd immunity.
- About asymptomatic spread.
Imagine if Fauci had told the truth.
- About mask efficacy.
- About the origins of the disease.
- About funding gain-of-function research at a lab well-known for previous biohazard leaks.
- About the deadliness of the Delta variant.
- About the numbers needed for herd immunity.
- About asymptomatic spread.
@jolly said in Meanwhile, in Israel...:
Imagine if Fauci had told the truth.
- About mask efficacy.
- About the origins of the disease.
- About funding gain-of-function research at a lab well-known for previous biohazard leaks.
- About the deadliness of the Delta variant.
- About the numbers needed for herd immunity.
- About asymptomatic spread.
And then compare Fauci to Trump and it all becomes clear.
As mud.
Fauci is an infectious disease expert. Trump is not. In fact, Trump was right about more than Dr. Fauci was, after most of the smoke has cleared.
@jolly said in Meanwhile, in Israel...:
As mud.
Fauci is an infectious disease expert. Trump is not. In fact, Trump was right about more than Dr. Fauci was, after most of the smoke has cleared.
Again I repeat making Fauci the boogeyman is farsical. I guess getting 35% of the hard core to buy the malarkey is one thing, if it’s not a ceiling I’d like proof.
@jolly said in Meanwhile, in Israel...:
As mud.
Fauci is an infectious disease expert. Trump is not. In fact, Trump was right about more than Dr. Fauci was, after most of the smoke has cleared.
Again I repeat making Fauci the boogeyman is farsical. I guess getting 35% of the hard core to buy the malarkey is one thing, if it’s not a ceiling I’d like proof.
@loki said in Meanwhile, in Israel...:
Again I repeat making Fauci the boogeyman is farsical.
Isn't he the guy who told Mr. Trump that masks are not needed?
@copper said in Meanwhile, in Israel...:
@loki said in Meanwhile, in Israel...:
Again I repeat making Fauci the boogeyman is farsical.
Isn't he the guy who told Mr. Trump that masks are not needed?
So enough medical personnel could have them? Why doesn’t that smack everyone across the face as obvious. I am truly mystified when I have to debate this, like reality is subject to debate.
@copper said in Meanwhile, in Israel...:
@loki said in Meanwhile, in Israel...:
Again I repeat making Fauci the boogeyman is farsical.
Isn't he the guy who told Mr. Trump that masks are not needed?
So enough medical personnel could have them? Why doesn’t that smack everyone across the face as obvious. I am truly mystified when I have to debate this, like reality is subject to debate.
@loki said in Meanwhile, in Israel...:
So enough medical personnel could have them?
What was the timing on that?
I seem to remember that he said they were not needed - period.
Then much later it was revealed that he was lying to protect the supply for medical workers. And obviously to discredit Mr. Trump. Everyone understands this, there is no debate needed.
@loki said in Meanwhile, in Israel...:
So enough medical personnel could have them?
What was the timing on that?
I seem to remember that he said they were not needed - period.
Then much later it was revealed that he was lying to protect the supply for medical workers. And obviously to discredit Mr. Trump. Everyone understands this, there is no debate needed.
@copper said in Meanwhile, in Israel...:
@loki said in Meanwhile, in Israel...:
So enough medical personnel could have them?
What was the timing on that?
I seem to remember that he said they were not needed - period.
Then much later it was revealed that he was lying to protect the supply for medical workers. And obviously to discredit Mr. Trump. Everyone understands this, there is no debate needed.
You are correct.
The emails seem to indicate that he was honestly against the masks. Not to protect supply, but he honestly didn’t think they helped. He later changed his mind. Fair enough.
He has still admitted lying and manipulating the narrative and the American people. He’s a piece of crap. A bureaucrat that for one brief period of his career spanning 5 decades is relevant in the public eye.
The emails seem to indicate that he was honestly against the masks. Not to protect supply, but he honestly didn’t think they helped. He later changed his mind. Fair enough.
He has still admitted lying and manipulating the narrative and the American people. He’s a piece of crap. A bureaucrat that for one brief period of his career spanning 5 decades is relevant in the public eye.
@lufins-dad said in Meanwhile, in Israel...:
He has still admitted lying and manipulating the narrative and the American people. He’s a piece of crap. A bureaucrat that for one brief period of his career spanning 5 decades is relevant in the public eye.
A bureaucrat that America was willing and eager to bestow the mantle of "world leading pandemic expert" on, when his time came. Anybody without allegiance to his expertise was an anti-science nutter and probably a Trump supporter.
@copper said in Meanwhile, in Israel...:
@loki said in Meanwhile, in Israel...:
Again I repeat making Fauci the boogeyman is farsical.
Isn't he the guy who told Mr. Trump that masks are not needed?
So enough medical personnel could have them? Why doesn’t that smack everyone across the face as obvious. I am truly mystified when I have to debate this, like reality is subject to debate.
@loki said in Meanwhile, in Israel...:
I am truly mystified when I have to debate this, like reality is subject to debate.
That's definitely a clear takeaway from the past 18 months.
@loki said in Meanwhile, in Israel...:
I am truly mystified when I have to debate this, like reality is subject to debate.
That's definitely a clear takeaway from the past 18 months.
@aqua-letifer said in Meanwhile, in Israel...:
@loki said in Meanwhile, in Israel...:
I am truly mystified when I have to debate this, like reality is subject to debate.
That's definitely a clear takeaway from the past 18 months.
Depends on what reality actually exists.
The one that the TPTB want you to believe or what actually exists....
The emails seem to indicate that he was honestly against the masks. Not to protect supply, but he honestly didn’t think they helped. He later changed his mind. Fair enough.
He has still admitted lying and manipulating the narrative and the American people. He’s a piece of crap. A bureaucrat that for one brief period of his career spanning 5 decades is relevant in the public eye.
@lufins-dad said in Meanwhile, in Israel...:
He has still admitted lying and manipulating the narrative and the American people. He’s a piece of crap. A bureaucrat that for one brief period of his career spanning 5 decades is relevant in the public eye.
He wishes he had one of these.

I do not believe that Fauci lied or deliberately deceived any more or less than any other national or local chief health officer during the course of this pandemic. That goes for the masking discouragement and confusion during the first wave. Fauci was not alone.
I do not believe that Fauci lied or deliberately deceived any more or less than any other national or local chief health officer during the course of this pandemic. That goes for the masking discouragement and confusion during the first wave. Fauci was not alone.
@renauda said in Meanwhile, in Israel...:
I do not believe that Fauci lied or deliberately deceived any more or less than any other national or local chief health officer during the course of this pandemic. That goes for the masking discouragement and confusion during the first wave. Fauci was not alone.
Agreed. I really don't think he lied. The criticisms seem to be about his making contradictory statements as the pandemic evolved.
He would have gained a lot of credibility had he said nothing, other than what was known, rather than speculated.
@renauda said in Meanwhile, in Israel...:
I do not believe that Fauci lied or deliberately deceived any more or less than any other national or local chief health officer during the course of this pandemic. That goes for the masking discouragement and confusion during the first wave. Fauci was not alone.
Agreed. I really don't think he lied. The criticisms seem to be about his making contradictory statements as the pandemic evolved.
He would have gained a lot of credibility had he said nothing, other than what was known, rather than speculated.
@george-k said in Meanwhile, in Israel...:
@renauda said in Meanwhile, in Israel...:
I do not believe that Fauci lied or deliberately deceived any more or less than any other national or local chief health officer during the course of this pandemic. That goes for the masking discouragement and confusion during the first wave. Fauci was not alone.
Agreed. I really don't think he lied. The criticisms seem to be about his making contradictory statements as the pandemic evolved.
He would have gained a lot of credibility had he said nothing, other than what was known, rather than speculated.
Sorry, but Fauci has acknowledged that he changed his public prognosis on what percentage was needed for Herd Immunity on three occasions to attempt to manipulate public sentiment. That’s at least 1 lie right there. If that’s no more than what other health officials did, then shame on them.
He also repeatedly played games with semantics and politics.
The mask thing? I can understand that. No problem with changing guidance and allowing new evidence to change your directions.