Does quitting your job make you happy?
We will look back at people not working and quitting as an anomaly. I’ve read so much nonsense on a new way of thinking that it was refreshing to read what “science” has taught us.
@mik said in Does quitting your job make you happy?:
I liked. Pretty sure George did too. Can’t speak for anyone else.
Never, EVER, been happier since I retired.
I suppose that's different from "quitting," though. It's been a damn fine 5 years.
@mik said in Does quitting your job make you happy?:
I liked. Pretty sure George did too. Can’t speak for anyone else.
Never, EVER, been happier since I retired.
I suppose that's different from "quitting," though. It's been a damn fine 5 years.
@george-k said in Does quitting your job make you happy?:
Never, EVER, been happier since I retired.
I have non-job related issues that are keeping me from being happy, but even with that, quitting work was one of the happiest days of my life.
I don't see how any "experts" can presume to know anything about the validity of Mik's, George's or my reactions to quitting our jobs. How would they know???
I have some experience with this Sonja guy, and I'm not impressed.
It's pretty simple math. Have some things going on that you find more meaningful, and make sure your finances don't make you slip back down Maslow's hierarchy.
At 40, yes.
I don’t know. For a lot of guys their identity (in the pre-woke sense) is tied up in their employment and/or it’s effects (ability to support a family, etc).
I can’t say I didn’t notice that at times, after hanging up the saddle at 44.
My increasingly significant role at the Foundation fixed all that. lol
IMO happiness is mostly about crushing one’s enemies, driving them before you, and hearing the lamentations of their women.
@loki said in Does quitting your job make you happy?:
Could you all answer the same at ages 20 to 40?
Very much not at 20. I had high hopes for landing in a promising work life, but poor planning. By 40 those hopes had shrunk somewhat but not altogether. And so it went. I needed to think differently and know more than I did, and things just didn't work out.